The Best Freeze Dried Snacks for the Beach This Summer

The Best Freeze Dried Snacks for the Beach This Summer

Summer is officially just around the corner, and this summer, we’re spending our days at the beach. We have our towels, our swimsuits, our favourite beach reads, and, of course, our favourite freeze-dried snacks. 

In this blog, we’ll break down the top freeze-dried candies and snacks you need for the summer. With these freeze-dried treats, your beach game will be on point. 

Freeze-Dried Fruit 

Is there anything better than snacking on sweet fruit at the beach? Honestly, we don’t think so. Fruit is the perfect addition to any beach day – it’s sweet, it’s flavourful, and to top it all off, it’s healthy! 

But freeze-drying your fruit opens up a whole new way to snack. Freeze-drying often helps enhance the flavor of fruits by getting rid of the excess water content, so they’ll be even sweeter and more delicious. Plus, freeze-dried fruit can last for years! This makes it the perfect snack to keep in your cupboard for those spontaneous beach days. 

If you’re not yet convinced, you simply have to give our freeze-dried fruits a try. Order a batch of our freeze-dried banana slices or our freeze-dried watermelon slices today. One taste of these fruity treats, and you’ll be on your way to the beach in minutes. Nothing says summer like snacking on freeze-dried watermelon with the sun on your skin. 

Freeze-Dried Skittles 

Let’s be honest – sometimes, fruit just doesn’t satisfy our sugar cravings. That’s why you need to try our freeze-dried Skittles. 

Freeze-dried Skittles are the perfect beach snack. They have all the sugary flavor of the original candy, plus a fun new crunchy, puffy texture. The next time you’re heading to the beach with your friends, make sure to pack a bag of freeze-dried Skittles. They’ll be your go-to afternoon sugar fix to keep you happy all day long. 

Not a fan of Skittles? Try checking out our other freeze-dried candies to discover your newest beach snack. You really can’t go wrong. 

B*tch Water 

Staying hydrated is one of the most important things you can do to stay healthy. This is especially true for those summer beach days. When temperatures are high or we’re in the sun all day long, we tend to sweat more. And more sweat = more water loss. If you’re spending the day at the beach, you have to make sure to drink water regularly throughout the day to prevent dehydration and overheating. 

But sometimes water is boring! There, we said it. Drinking plain old water is dull. It feels more like something we have to do than something we want to do. 

This is why you need to try our B*tch Water. We offer both freeze-dried lemon slices and freeze-dried lime slices to hydrate like you’ve never hydrated before. The next time you’re heading to the beach, add a slice of our B*tch Water lemon slices to your water bottle. It’ll add a revitalizing, energizing kick to your water so you can stay hydrated without ever getting bored. 

Plus, freeze-dried lemon and lime lasts longer than regular lemon and lime. This means you can keep refilling your water while you’re out and about, and still get that burst of flavor with every refill. 

If you have beach days planned this summer, you have to give these freeze-dried treats a try. From fruits to sweets to hydration-game-changers, That Sweet Lyfe has everything you need for the ultimate summer day.

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